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A Quick Submission

This blog is just starting. I am building a commercial site using WordPress; I hope to write a trade related  professional blog (relating to security and locksmithing) for my business, High Quality Locksmith of Tallahassee ( ).

This blog will be my personal one. As a writer I savor having so many outlets for writing. Perhaps in time an audience will develop.

First Post

This is my first post on this blog. I started a blog in 1992, back when blogs did not exist (well, the term blog did not exist yet). This original blog was called the South Spot Lost Chronicles. Kind of an experiment of mine: I had an editorial page, so people could read my opinion regarding various things, and I had a restaurant review section entitled Stuff Your Face, which presented my reviews of Tallahassee area restaurants. Additionally, there was Fred, The Redneck Advisor, a fictitious redneck who dispensed Ann Landers type of advice (except his advice always included slashing someone’s tires, or setting their trailer on fire, or some such thing), and I also had a section for readers to send in their own bits of wit and/or wisdom.

WordPress wasn’t around, and since I was just starting to learn html (which was what the SSLC was really about, anyway) each post was a handcoded html page, written using Notepad. As I was the only reader and the only writer, I wrote all of the articles, submitted all of the questions, etc. I entertained myself with this thing.

It died a death of neglect.  Remnants of it’s code may lie on some old Mindspring server somewhere (I think it was an old Mindspring account), but I am most likely wrong. It is gone, as a 100 million other web pages have gone: overwritten by a 100 million other web pages, all of which will share the same fate one day.